November 19

Collaboration Zone Ideas

The Collaboration Zone has been a huge success this year, but I’m starting to see usage wane a bit.  As I see it, one of the biggest benefits of the CZ is that students can work independently, but still have supervison and support if needed.  I can teach mini lessons, provide resources (print and digital) and redirect if necessary.  That’s soooo much better than putting a group in a corner of your classroom or out in the hallway, right?  They can also connect any device to the big screen to share their work or research.

So if you’re wondering, “what happens (or could possibly happen) in the Collaboration Zone?”  Here are some answers and some future ideas I have:

1.  Create a class blog and have students come to the CZ to post either individually or as small groups. (see previous posts about AP Human Geography)

2.  Create a secondary research project for a group to “go a little deeper” into a topic.  Research and create in the CZ and then share it with the entire class.  Prezi or Nearpod could be good presentation tools.

3.  Create a podcast with weekly or biweekly recordings.  Topics could include content, class updates, homework reminders or enrichment opportunities.  iPadio might be a good choice here.

4.  After a pre test, give students who have already mastered content an opportunity for enrichment.  Have them come to the CZ and listen to a podcast about a related topic or create a Kahoot for the entire class.

5.  Students needing remediation could come work through a Blendspace with an added quiz at the end.

6.  Video creation, skit practice, presentation practice, or poster making can also happen here.

The possibilities are endless!

November 18

New Technology abounds at SCHS

So our technology needs and desires have exploded @SCHS thanks to the arrival of our Lenovo Yoga Thinkpads.  All staff received a device last week.   Along with the devices came a human!  Adam Watson (@watsonedtech has joined our school for 3 weeks to serve as an instructional technology coach for our staff as we get familiar with our new devices and begin to plan for the 1:1 initiative which begins next year.  He conducts afternoon PD’s almost daily, blogs, tweets, observes, and collaborates with any teacher interested in learning to incorporate instructional technology into their classrooms.  The best part is that he is housed in

the library so I have access to his brain for a couple of weeks.  Teachers come and go to visit, ask questions, and plan lessons.  He also visits classrooms to provide feedback and support when teachers venture into new territory.  Yoga 2yoga 3

It’s been great.  I’ve seek Kahoot, Nearpod, iPadio, Videoant and PollEverywhere.  There are more, but you’ll have to check out his blog (see above) because there are too many to mention.

While I was already familiar with some of these tools, it is so refreshing to see them again with some support from Adam as to how to implement them in the classroom.

As of now, all of our teachers have the Yoga ThinkPad.  In the near future, we will have 6 carts of devices for classroom use (teachers applied using a GoogleDocs)  so staff can begin seeing what 1:1 will look like instructionally (and classroom management-ally)