June 25

Research your technology

When buying a TV for the Innovation Zone, I had no idea how many options I had! Thanks to a helpful tech guy from our central office, I learned about VGA, which can hook a TV to a computer if it doesn’t already have a computer connection, HDMI, which with the right adapters will hook a TV to an iPad, Surface, MacBook, iPhone etc. I chose one with 3 HDMI ports, 2 USB ports (who knew those were back there). WIFI (just in case) and VGA. Since our school has iPads and Surfaces, I felt like I should definitely have connections for those. Each HDMI cable will need an adapter that fits the device it’s trying to connect. I’ll place the order July 1 and cross my fingers!

June 18

Lines of Communication OPEN!

Working summers sometimes stinks, but when it comes to gathering resources, it can be a treasure trove!  Casual conversations have turned into me asking….well can I have that? (score a table and six rolling chairs)

I’ve e mailed our district technology coordinator because I heard a rumor that there were some ceiling speakers sitting around from a school demolition.  This e mail did two things:

1.  I think I’m getting speakers for my Innovation Zone.

2.  He now knows what I’m doing and is interested in seeing the final product.  I HOPE he casually mentions it to the superintendent. 🙂

I’ve also talked about it to my principal and any unfortunate teacher who still happens to be in the building.  They are now aware of the new space being created and have commented on how “cool” students will think it is.

I think word of mouth will help me publicize and gain momentum.  Custodians are curious as I request that my desk be moved out and central office is aware because of the e mail with the district technology department and our principal is on board because he helped me dismantle the circulation desk.  He also gave me some ideas re: a wireless keyboard and mouse so students can share typing responsibilities.

Here is a sketch of the plan.

Sketch of the finished space

Sketch of the finished space


June 16

Innovation Zone

It's not too innovative yet, but at least I have a sign!

It’s not too innovative yet, but at least I have a sign!

Here are some pics of my office as I start the transition.  I have windows on two walls, so supervision will be easy.  I have put in a work order for a white board and am researching large monitors or TV’s that I can mount on the wall with a swivel so students can pull up work and collaborate.  I plan to have a square table in the center of the room and MIGHT move our epson letter press in there too.  Anything students might use to create will be available.  My dream is a powerful computer with software like Photoshop, Adobe video editing software and possibly a 3D printer.  photo 1 photo 2 photo 3

June 13

Creating New Spaces

The Innovation Zone will be here.

The Innovation Zone will be here.

My clerk, who is sooo flexible and willing to try anything, will work at the circulation desk now.

My clerk, who is sooo flexible and willing to try anything, will work at the circulation desk now.

Phase 2 of my shift this year is creating a quiet space. My library used to be quiet, but it’s not anymore. I’m teaching, students are in and out, teachers are talking, the phone is ringing. I try to maintain a reasonable level of noise, but it’s not easy. Especially if I’m the one making the noise. The magazine room is used constantly for small groups and meetings, but rarely for magazines. I’m going to move them out, take down the shelves, and create some type of Zen space. Some students still need quiet and it can be tough to find. A training by our state library director Kathy Mansfield taught me that introverts need space too. I’m not sure what supervision will look like because it has a door on it. We don’t want it getting too Zen in there, so I’m going to need a system.

I’m thinking new paint, a study carrel or two, maybe some semi comfortable seating. It’s a place for solitary work, not to visit or collaborate.

Again, pics to follow soon.

June 12

The 21st Century Shift

This summer I am planning, dreaming and implementing a shift in my library media program.  I’m giving up my office, recreating the “magazine room” and trying to rethink the role I play in our school.  My blog for the 2014-2015 school year will share everything from remodeling to remaking and reteaching,   I wonder if all school media specialists share the same worries, excitement, and wonder about what the “new” library will look like.  This blog, I hope, will serve as an outlet for me as I attempt to make the change to what I THINK the function of a 21st century library should be.

Phase 1:  Move my office from behind the glass wall to the work room.  I love my office.  but it’s too perfect of a space to use as an Innovation Zone.  One of my daughters goes to Western Kentucky University and told me about spaces that can be reserved in the library that have a big screen television on the wall that can be connected to a computer so students collaborating can see without crowding around a tiny computer monitor.  I’m also going to add a whiteboard and would LOVE a 3D printer even though that will have to come from some financial windfall I haven’t found yet.  The office has two glass walls I have always used to supervise the library from my desk.  The plan now is to supervise from the library IN.  I can keep an eye on students while I’m teaching or sitting at the circulation desk.

My new work space will be where my clerk now sits which is in our work room.  I’ll be able to see students in the Innovation Zone and out in the library while maintaining some sort of an office for me.

Dorothy, my clerk, will find a new home at the circulation desk.  Our current circulation desk is modular and will be reconstructed to hopefully fit her needs and give the desk constant supervision.

I’m on vacation now so all of this sounds sort of simple.  I’ll post pics on Monday as the physical shift happens.